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Ending Stigma Together

People Living with Psychosocial Disabilities in Uganda Chose Empowerment over Shame

DJP filmmaker Esther Suubi and Gorret Namwanje, self-advocates with Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support, discuss the power of community in combatting mental health stigma and discrimination. Dorothy Nakato Mubezi, a Ugandan fellow with the International Disability Alliance, encourages people with psychosocial disabilities to know that they are valued and to treasure what they have. *Video includes audio descriptions. Read along by clicking on the player’s CC button.

Photo of Esther Suubi.

Filmmaker: Esther Suubi

Esther Suubi from Uganda is a recent graduate from Uganda Christian University with a bachelor's degree in mass communication. She is a person with a psychosocial disability and an advocate for young girls' and women's voices. Suubi is also a peer educator at Triumph Mental Health Support and does work with the organization's communications team.