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If There’s a Wheel, There’s a Way

SIAM Works Toward a More Accessible World

As co-founder of the Spinal Injuries Association of Malawi (SIAM), Scader Louis works to address the needs of persons with spinal cord injuries from a rights-based approach. As a seasoned peer supporter, she also provides psychological support, disability rights awareness, transfer skills support, and more. Founded in 2011, SIAM is now in every district and region in Malawi. Louis talks about the challenges that come from an acquired disability like a spinal cord injury and how SIAM is working toward a more accessible world.

Photo of Julie-Marie Chibekete.

Filmmaker: Julie-Marie Chibekete

Julie-Marie Chibekete is an active member of the Spinal injuries Association of Malawi (SIAM). She has over ten years’ experience in community development and humanitarian work. Inspired by the struggles people in various communities go through to access basic needs, she has a passion for helping communities identify underlying causes of vulnerability and to realize equity in access. Chibekete says her spinal injury motivated her to make sure that members of the disability community are aware of and actively take part in utilizing their potential in local development initiatives. 

SIAM is an association mandated to advocate for the needs and interests of disabled people living with spinal injuries so they can actively participate in society. Chibekete ensures the organization's goals are attained through peer support and other initiatives. #NoInclusionWithSelf-Exclusion.