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A ‘Bitter Pill’

Indonesians with Psychosocial Disabilities Face Discrimination in the Workplace

In response to continued workplace discrimination, Indonesians with disabilities are advocating for legislation that would improve conditions for employees. Though Law 8 of 2016 was intended to ensure equal access to employment opportunities for Indonesians with disabilities, Lily Puspitasari lost her accounting job after disclosing her psychosocial disability. Nurhayati Ratna Sari Dewi, head of the Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Mental Health Association, says the government should make employers provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. These suggested accommodations include offering more flexible work hours, allowing employees to see a psychiatrist for regular treatment without deduction in pay, and providing quiet spaces for employees to rest. *Video includes audio descriptions. *Read along by clicking the cc button on your YouTube player.

*Click here for the Bahasa Indonesia version of this film.

Photo of Kinanty Andini.

Filmmaker: Kinanty Andini

Kinanty Andini is a filmmaker, freelance digital artist, and psychosocial disability activist. She works as a disability perspective trainer for the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities (HWDI). During her DJP fellowship, Andini made documentaries on the issues of the lack of mental health care in Indonesia and the lack of employment for people with psychosocial disabilities. Before joining the DJP, she also made a series of short videos about the daily challenges of people with psychosocial disabilities for the Indonesian Mental Health Association (IMHA). Andini loves visual arts. She has created banners and posters for a competition organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as illustrations for the DJP and Disability Debrief. Andini wants to channel her digital art skills to voice disability issues. Follow her on Instagram to check out her digital art.